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220 GBP
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150 GBP
250 - 300 GBP
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Lot location
Lewes, East Sussex
An emotive WWI family group of medals comprising: 1914 star (_Ply 17602 Pte G A Honiatt, RM Brigade) GVF; Three: 1914-15 star trio (PS-2499 Pte R J Honiatt Middx R), VF; Pair: BWM, Victory (79119 Pte A R Honiatt, RAMC), VF/NEF, with RAMC cap badge, wound badge number 225868, 2 C.L.R.L bronze shooting medals: Aggregate 1929-30 A RC Honiatt and Final 1932-33 Division 12 London Chemists A R C Honiatt; and a WWI National Reserve Class II London gilt and enamel lapel badge by J R Gaunt, the right hand rifle butt impressed 13, the reverse button hole stud impressed "19812 Hampstead" EF. Note: Private George Archibald Honiatt, served with the RMLI, 2nd RM Battn RN Division and was killed in action 13th November 1916 aged 19, and is commemorated at Thiepval Memorial France; his brother Private Reginald Jack Honiatt served with the 16th Bn Middlesex Regt and was killed in action 29th April 1916 aged 23 and is buried at Forceville Communal Cemetery France. £200-300
Antique Arms & Militaria
Venue address
West Street Auction Galleries
Lewes, East Sussex
United Kingdom
Antique Arms & Militaria

Auction dates
Apr 26, 2022 10:30 AM BST
Lots: 1-355
Viewing dates
Apr 21, 2022 09:30 AM - 04:30 PM BST
Apr 22, 2022 09:30 AM - 04:30 PM BST
Apr 25, 2022 09:30 AM - 04:30 PM BST
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